Monday, February 5, 2007

the difference between a pond and a puddle

puddle. definition of waterbody here. adopt-a-waterbody (utah) here. Puddles are often considered a source of recreation by children, who consider jumping in puddles to be an "up-side" to rain.

Not just a puddle, not quite a pond.

A puddle is a spontaneous water body determined by a surface and a water source. It is mobile and adaptable. By preserving a puddle it becomes a contained
man made ground water resource, or a pond. A pond can be traversed by boats and can show its awareness of the night sky that floats above. A pond is an institutionalized puddle with restricted water flow. A puddle moves freely in all directions, unchanneled.

In Ayurveda, the doshic analysis of personality/body type places a person as a combination of universal elements of water, ether, air, earth, and fire. If you are a Kapha dosha, or combination of water and earth, to be successful the earth is in there to provide a natural structure for the water. A happy kapha supposedly will create their own natural structure to keep themselves from flowing in all directions. Channeling energy requires a substantial ability to create and maintain direction so not to seep into too many cracks at once.
A pond seems more dignified, and the puddle more pathetic. But, I like the underdogness of the puddle. Humility in a body of water is always good.

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