Monday, March 5, 2007

we've been here a long time, we cannot abandon it

THE REALIZATION OF SELF THROUGH ARCHITECTURE: So anyone starting out that morning in search of princesses to save, Holy Grails to quest for new countries to be discovered, souls to save, lands to conquer, or lost paradises... to all those who leaving the comfort of daily routine, were searching for themselves through the magical and heroic acts of creation, architecture appeared unexpectedly, after the first bend in the path.
It loomed enormous and immobile, full of years of glory, of dreamt-of perfection, of marble and chrome, of polarized glass, of corner stones, of dried mud.
It consisted of innumerable geometric forms, as in an infinite polyhedron, out of which grew organic excrescencies, tensile structures and pneumatic appendices. Innumerable libraries were contained within its body, and the golden mean and divine proportion were not sufficient to describe it. This was the great animal and the mirror which hunters had created and followed after for as long as memory could tell. It was said that whoever ate of it would become immortal. It was also said that only from the mystical union of the subject with his representation could the existence of the subject himself derive. There was therefore dramatic problem of self realization, since the hunter had to create the beast in his image and likeness (the mirror) in order to recognize himself therein, and on the other hand, it was diccicult to create an image of oneself wihtout a mirror. Several other efforts had been made in the past, through mean statistics and the trial and error system. Naturally, all the creators of the creature had died, leaving erronecous descriptions of the creative process, as an ultimate mystification, in order to render the way more difficult for the other hunters...

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