Friday, January 26, 2007

cheap wine

The story of living in NYC: trying to remember that everything that you can't see is always happening and contracting amnesia on scheduled days so you can rest. Eagerly attending to the radio, the news, the family, the culture, and everyone else's culture probably isn't healthy and doesn't allow for sleep but here we are masters of everything. I think we are addicted to knowledge. I have been addicted to exercise, to food, to people, to a ritual, to coffee, but in New York I am on a compulsive search to discover information that will excite me. I join and follow many colleagues in the search. Scouring the publications, wandering the streets, documenting everything: trying to know something first or more than thy neighbor. Trying to find something to be critical of. Being critical of everything, especially when it seems acceptable to others. I think the desire for a unique body of knowledge is not that different from the desire for organized religion. It is not acceptable to be holy, but it is status quo to maintain a scrupulous journalistic questioning of everything. Don't have an opinion unless you can support it and keep the churches in the strip malls and the museums expanding in every direction. Our American education is very passive and there seems to be a movement towards creating a infallible structure of intellect that we can believe in with more than our tender loins. Is it my generation or is this a permanent NY framework? Nothing is ever cutting edge enough. The artists are always ruining everything for the crazy people when they appropriate the turbo-nerds' lifelong work. No idea is original and no one gets to own anything that is worth owning. Cory Arcangel is boring and he stole my college boyfriend's projects. Relationships seem important from an anthropological standpoint but are very repetitive and cliche in practice. Very few chances are taken in proportion to the chances there are to take chances. There are websites to act as catalysts for couch surfing. Experiences remind us of good websites, websites lead us to human interaction; sounds like a hybrid of the flinstones and the jetsons: Neanderthals01011100. Embarrassment is not easy to come by when everything is so understood, and accidents are prevented instead of responded to when preempted.


Mrarc99 said...

Was Paul by chance your college boyfriend ?

CAThornton said...


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