Friday, December 21, 2007

Timeline for the future uninc.

From Cabinet Magazine's Timeline of Timelines:
"Laurence Sterne's novel, Tristram Shandy, includes a set of sketches indicating the non-linear path of a well-told story; narrative digressions appear as deviations from a straight line.

I found this image when I was trying to find ideas for how to communicate ideas of chronology when I am speaking with Finnish people about the future. The idea I have had for a visualization is to use one of the many photos I have found of the local city of Mikkeli as it is reflected almost perfectly in a nearby lake.

The reason I like using this image as a visual metaphor is that I want to create a link between my interviewee's personal futures and the future of others outside of their direct contact. A visual to explain the Bell's Theorem that is inside their personal narrative.

The idea is that the individual is represented by the concrete buildings, the trees and the things that represent their material reality, and the reflection of these things in the water can represent the rippling effect of their actions.

So this is the first image I have used. The timeline will go through the center, horizontally. The top line is the personal story, the bottom is the story of everything else imaginable.

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