Friday, December 8, 2006


On Monday morning, I met up with Anne at Heights Cafe on Flatbush Ave for coffee at 8am. It was very nice to talk with Anne. She has been busy trying to get her doctorate in english analysis from Columbia University starting this fall. I have been trying to get my doctorate in finishing a lot of art projects at the last minute and being a hermit. So, I haven't been able to spend quality time with dear dear Anne. But Anne is like home and we are able to have really progressive conversations that are both exploratory and filled with wondering as well as completely banal and filled with boyfriend details. Ha ha just kidding we never talk about that.

When I got home I tried to make a mold of my head out of saran wrap and packing tape like this:
Then I made it into a Victorian/Equestrian/Baseball cap type thing by tailoring it a bit and adding some feathers, ribbon, and wood pieces. I thought my fashion class might make hats this week. Sadly, class got cancelled on Tuesday so we couldn't do this project.

In the afternoon I was very caffeinated and unable to focus. After hours of stalemate, I went to have tea with Hiromi at Roebling Tea in Williamsburg. I rode my bike and it started to get pretty cold. Hiromi always surprises me with her stories. She told me about being assaulted by Korean people for being a female smoker on her trips there. Supposedly it has changed now, but a few years ago when she visited she said she would smoke outside and have 20 people surround her and threaten her and scream at her for smoking in public and being a woman doing so. She thought they were going to hit her so she would not protest, only put down her cigarette and look down until they went away. I am glad she still smokes. Dammnit. Then she told me about some scary Korean plastic surgery kicks. Many Asian women travel to Korea to get calve implants to make their legs longer and disfunctional. Korea is the cheapest and most uh.. 'progressive' of all plastic surgery kingdoms.

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